James Monroe Museum
Support the James Monroe Museum on #MaryWashDay

There have been few more zealous, indefatigable or useful servants of the public than James Monroe. [Francis Walker Gilmer, "Sketches of American Statesmen," 1815.]


James Monroe compiled a more distinguished record of public service than anyone ever elected President of the United States. Combat in the Revolutionary War was followed by state and federal legislative offices, four terms as governor of Virginia, negotiation of the Louisiana Purchase Treaty, and simultaneous service as secretary of state and secretary of war. As the nation's fifth president from 1817 to 1825, Monroe signed the Missouri Compromise, gave diplomatic recognition to emerging Latin American republics, acquired Florida from Spain, and in 1823 committed the Unites States to preventing European intervention in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere—later termed the Monroe Doctrine.


The James Monroe Museum opened in 1927 to showcase his family’s cherished collection of artifacts and archives. It was given to the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1964, and is today administered by the University of Mary Washington. Building upon its founding mission to interpret the legacy of our fifth president, the James Monroe Museum is also deeply engaged in UMW’s academic programs in history, historic preservation, and museum studies, helping to train the future stewards of our heritage.


Private support, including that of UMW alumni, is critical to fulfillment of the Museum’s mission of preservation and education. All of our public programs are funded through the Friends of the James Monroe Museum, along with artifact conservation, publications, and special exhibitions. Last year, our Friends funded a student-produced traveling exhibit on Monroe’s 1817 northern states presidential tour that was seen by some 8,000 people in six states. YOUR support can help us develop the next traveling exhibit on Monroe’s 1819 southern tour, make it possible to save an invaluable artifact, and much more!


James Monroe Museum Donors
Rank State Gifts
1 VA 21
2 PA 4
3 NY 3
Alumni Board 'Go for a Grand' Challenge
WE DID IT! 1,000 Gifts from Alumni = $10,000 to the Fund for Mary Washington from the Alumni Board! Thank you!
1,000 / 1,000 Gifts
Virginia Colwell Read 1908 Challenge
WE MADE IT! Thank you, everyone, for helping reach 1,908 gifts in honor of Mary Washington's founding year! You made this a record-breaking day for Mary Washington and made a huge difference for UMW students and programs!
1,908 / 1,908 Gifts
Young Alumni A.M. Challenge
Challenge MET! Thank you, Classes of 2008-2017! You unlocked $2,500 for the Fund for Mary Washington!
100 / 100 Gifts
Young Alumni Happy Hour Challenge
If 50 gifts are received from the Classes of 2008-2017 between 4 and 8 p.m., the Young Alumni Council will give $1,000 to the Fund for Mary Washington.
50 / 50 Gifts
Barry Family Match for UMW Parents
Thank you, parents! The full $9,000 match has been met!
$9,000 / $9,000 Raised
Alumni Student Leader 2-for-1 Match
A group of alumni who served as Mary Washington student leaders will match gifts from students with a 2-for-1 gift to the Fund for Mary Washington, tripling their impact. Sponsored by Gwen Amory Cumming '52, Patti Boise Kemp '69, Jane Jackson Woerner '69, Kathi O'Neill '70, Trenda Powell Jacocks '82, Lee Ann Reaser '98, Jay Sinha '07, Jennifer Crystle '13, and Whitney Kiper '14.
$3,750 / $3,750 Raised
Class of 1968 "6 to 8" Match
Class of 1968, make a gift to any designation between 6 and 8 a.m. or 6 and 8 p.m. and Kathy Nagy Schabacker '68 and her husband Dennis will match it with an equal gift to the Amphitheatre restoration.
$2,500 / $2,500 Raised
Participation Leaderboard
Top areas of support by number of gifts
Rank Area of Support Gifts
1 UMW Athletics 809
2 College of Arts & Sciences 585
3 Fund for Mary Washington 452
4 UMW Theatre 375
5 Other 143
Dollars Raised Leaderboard
Top areas of support by dollars raised
Rank Area of Support Raised
1 UMW Athletics $86,600.56
2 Fund for Mary Washington $73,657.03
3 College of Arts & Sciences $49,736.75
4 UMW Theatre $40,642.12
5 Other $36,804.08
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