Matches and Challenges

Don't miss the chance to multiply your impact, thanks to gift matching opportunities from some of our most generous donors.

Upcoming Events

Fund for Mary Washington Alumni Match
An anonymous alumna will match each alumni gift of $500 or less to the Fund for Mary Washington, up to $5,000 total.
Say "Thank You"
Make your gift in honor or in memory of someone who made your Mary Washington experience. On the donation form, select "yes" when prompted if this gift is in honor or memory.
Name a Mary Washington Squirrel!
When you make a gift of $19.08 or more to the Fund for Mary Washington on Giving Tuesday, you can name a campus squirrel and receive your own digital certificate!
CAS General Fund Match
Julie Seder ’71 will match all gifts to the College of Arts and Sciences General Fund dollar-for-dollar, up to $5,000.
Encourage your Eagle during finals week
Parents, guardians, and family members of current students: Make your gift during Giving Tuesday to the Fund for Mary Washington, and we'll send your student a bag of Hershey's Hugs and Kisses with your note of encouragement during finals week.